Sunday, April 25, 2010


We all saw the movie "How TO Train Your Dragon" It's really good :D Kaitlyn didn't like it very much which I find it ironic that Ben did like it. Hopefully there is no remote throwing this time. Cause a while back ago when we saw a movie and Ben hated it and Kaitlyn wanted him to shut up about it. Yeah. But it's peace and orderly around here right now. Oh who am I kidding? Lol it's always loud around here. But you get used to it. ^^ So we are bored and decided to post so this will probably be kind of short. Actually I think I'm about to end the post so like BYEZ and all lol ^^

Friday, April 23, 2010

What's a good movie that's out?

So we are all sitting here this Friday night being bored. We planned to go to the movies but that got cancelled and we are going tomorrow. We still have no clue what we are gonna go see. What's a good movies that's out? But anyways. Ben really loves his Mad Hatter hat. Yeah, random. He still loves his "car" too. :P So..SHORT POST. BYEZ. Lol

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Old times

I think that Paris has already posted about this. But I remember when I was ((I'm posting as Misaki)) still alive and really young. I would always wake up early in the morning and watch Ed, Edd, N Eddy and than Ben and I would try out some of the stunts. Which was kind of stupid of us, but we had so much fun. It was way before I knew Clementine, Kaitlyn, Joshua, and everyone else and Ivy was just a small little conscience ((Cause she used to not talk as much and he really didn't know what to think of her)) Lalu used to always help us out with the stunts. And than we would watch Dexter's Laboratory and Ben would scream at me "DEEDEE GET OUT OF MY ROOM!" In Dexter's voice whenever he got mad at me. We lived off of those cartoon's and they left fond memories. Now they have things like "Chowder" and "Adventure Time" on Cartoon Network. I remember Courage The Cowardly Dog. I loved his little hole tooth. What was your favorite cartoon if you have one?
Here is some of the peoplez here:
Clementine- I loved Cow and Chicken

Kaitlyn- The Power Puff girls

Ben- Ed, Edd, N Eddy ((OF COURSE :) ))

Ivy- I don't have a favorite...since I didn't watch T.V.

Joshua- Catdog, Doug, and Hey! Arnold. I couldn't just pick one. There are so many awesome ones :)

Misaki- Ed, Edd, N Eddy and As Told by Ginger ((Yeah, As Told by Ginger is kind of a weird one of the bunch :P))

I got a few peoplez but not many. So what's your favorite?

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Random post of doomy doom doom songyness...

Really and truly I have no clue why I made the title that. It came to mind and I feel like being random. So I found this new youtube person channel thing and the person is "Fluffee" I think that's how you spell it...hmm..anyways he's really hilarious and though he cusses a lot sometimes and stuff he is really really funny and we spent like three hours watching his videos. So you should check out his channel if you want. Also Fluffy is winning. Good byez.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Grace VS. Fluffy

The score is 3 to 5. A while back ago, in "When Fluffy attacks" We told you about Fluffy attacking Grace and all that. Well it's been going on for awhile now and we try to keep them apart as much as possible. But we can't always. So eight times they have re-encountered. Three times Grace won the battle, five times Fluffy won. The three times Grace won was cause she 1.) Hid in the bathroom until Fluffy left. 2.) jumped on the table and wouldn't get off. And 3.) Grabbed Emma's Mcdonald's Big Mac and threw it so Fluffy would be distracted while she ran. Emma misses that Big Mac XD The five times, well she just didn't get a lucky break. So we have made a bet that by the end of this month Fluffy will have win this battle OR Emma will. Ben, Joshua, Kaitlyn, and Emma ((only cause she's still mad at Emma for giving Fluffy her Big Mac)) are on Fluffy's side that he will win the battle and Clementine (I), Misaki, and Ivy are on Grace's side that she will win the battle. So who do you think will win?

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Earth day

So it's Earth Day today. Did you do anything to help the earth? Did you even know it was Earth Day? Hopefully ya did :) We all had a nice time picking up trash around town and watching Ben fall down into a ditch...yeah...Clementine fell into this small creek, too. Emma couldn't quit laughing. But a lot of people joined in and we had about 100 ((I'm just guessing)) people help out and it is now a very clean environment. I hope you did something for Earth Day but if you didn't s'okay. So here is a question: What is something that you would to to this Earth to make it better? (Ex.-Clean it, make world peace, stop pollution) What would you do?

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

school posting

So I'm at school right now in computer class. We have a sub so we can do whatever. We were all bored so we decided "Why not post?" So we are all going to talk:
Clementine- WHAT'S UP? So hey, It's Clementine as you already know O.o haha. So I'm listening to "Emo Kid" by: Adam and Andrew and it's hilarous. I love their music cause they are funny. So I am going now so I can keep listening.

Ben- Heeey How are you? That's good...unless you aren't doing good cause than I am sorry. Schoool is boring right now and I really want school to end, but who doesn't? People who like school, that's who. Kaitlyn is bugging me to let her start typing.

Kaitlyn- HAHAHA! I have annoyed Ben enough to let me start talking. TEE HEE. ^^ So HOLA to you! What are you doing? I bet you are reading this. The sub hates me for some reason T_T I'm scared of her. She gave me the evil eye. It was horrifying. So I'm going now so BYE

((Misaki doesn't feel like talking to it's just us and Emma and Joshua aren't in this class. So that's everyone who is talking for right now))

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Spring Cleaning...

So Joshua, Clementine, Ben, Emma, ((I)) Kaitlyn, and Misaki are doing our spring cleaning. And None of us realized just how much of a spring cleaning our place needed. We ended up FINALLY repairing the hole in the wall from Clementine and it has a story with it so here is the quick story:
Misaki- *goes to look at wall and sees mouse* AHHHHHHH THERE"S A MOUSE!!!! OH MY GOD!!!! *Runs away screaming* ((and yes she did do this XD))
Clementine- *Screams too* ((She hates mice for some reason...they are adorable in my opinion....))
Ben-*sees mouse and screams like a little girl*

After we call the manager people they get the mouse and SAFELY sets the mouse free because I told them if they tried to hurt it they would be a zombie too :) They were wondering how the hole got in the wall So a few minutes after that happens we go thru everything and fix it up ((all the other zombies and trads that live on this floor are also spring cleaning. It's our ncie little "Clean the Zom/trad floor")) and we FINALLY finish cleaning at around eight tonight. we had about eight bags of trash and about three bags of stuff we give to good-will. That was for our room but in all we had about eighteen bags of things go and about thirty bags of trash. If you are wondering why the place sounds dirty and why we don't have a lady who comes and cleans the rooms it's cause we said that we can clean up ourselves and they don't have to. They insisted we let the people clean but we talked them into letting us do it ourselves. All we really had to say was "It teaches us good habits." We really just didn't want people going through our rooms. But everything is so clean now. I love it. But I don't know how long it will last. Ah, whatever. We can always clean next spring cleaning. Or get Misaki to clean up. :)

Thursday, April 8, 2010

English class story

WARNING: This story is perverted and should not be read if you have a non-perverted or do not like perverted things. Thank you. :)

So we were in English class practicing for this play and we were just about to perform, we were all dressed up and Ben was holding the light saber that we had to use as a sword...the light saber lights up, vibrates and it makes noise when you press a little button at the hilt. Already it sounds perverted. So been accidentally presses the button and the noise goes off and starts vibrating and lighting up, and the class is completely silent at that moment so EVERYONE heard. So they turn and look at us and Ben says "What? I just touched it in the wrong place." That was the end of the silence. EVERYONE was laughing like crazy. I think one guy was crying he was laughing so hard. But that guy is a naturally laughterus person.
*laughterus- someone who laughs a lot.

Monday, April 5, 2010

End of testing

We had our last day of testing today. I never posted that we were testing in school til now but we finished and everyone SO happy. ESPECIALLY Misaki. She HATES testing cause she has to be tortured with her Dyslexia and stuff. But we made it another year and we are uberly happy in every way :D So that's all...byez

Sunday, April 4, 2010


Happy Easter! I would say that all of us here are munching on some candy but we aren't...cause we're dead...and we don't we ended up spending the day running around town giving everybody little "Happy Easter" rings and stuff. It was fun ^^ especially when we saw our Math teacher and Emma started smacking on her gum right in front of her ((cause she always gets in trouble for chewing gum in Math)) was funny. But we had fun today and I hope everyone had an awesome easter too!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

The car

So the car Ben got is charging right now. He loves that thing. I swear that is how he gets around. He'll drive to the elevator, get in the elevator, when the door opens he drives out of it and than he'll drive around the rest of the hotel place. He's also gotten his little plastic light saber and while he's driving it he'll hit people with it ((but I promise he only hits people he knows)) Lol he's like a little kid, except he's kind of to big for the car, but it's okay. So It's a short post and I must go now so bye

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Birthday Par-tay!

HI!!!! It is Ben ((okay, so Ben talking. Clementine typing)) I got a birthday party! It was so much fun! It was all celebrational and stuff and I loved it :) I gotz a pink t-shirt. I loved my b'day cake, though I couldn't eat it. It had little body parts like arms, toes, legs, head, and it said "Zombies. Eat Flesh." Than under it it said "Happy seventeenth B'day Ben" It was the awesomest cake I have ever seen. I also got a whole bunch of gifts and some awesome pink and blue Shutter glasses that I wear everywhere. ((It's true)) and some other fantabulous gifts. ((I swear, sometimes even I his GIRLFRIEND thinks he isn't straight....)) and so on with the awesome gifts. We also played a nice little game of "Give Ben a makeover/dress him up in a dress and than show everyone" ((He gladly volunteered so it wasn't against his will or anything)) than we played a few more games and such, finally after having a huge conversation about rocks ((I don't remember how the topic came up)) we all finally ended the party...and let Misaki clean up everything :) ((I helped some)) we finally relaxed and hung out for a while and that is most of it. I think the funniest part was when I got a brand new CAR! YEP a CAR :) Here's a picture of it:

This isn't the EXACT one since Misaki's camera is broken I couldn't take a picture of mine. So I have to use one closest to it. Don't you love it? lol

So that is all for now :)