Sunday, September 20, 2009

back from the trip last week

okay so the trip was SO much fun! Well almost all of it, except when we were hiking and I tripped over a tree that had fallen and had to sit there for about ten minutes trying to get the leaves out of my hair :P But Kaitlyn had fun, clementine was in a really good mood cause she is a nature freak, Ben slipped while we were learning how to spear fish, and was soaked, we had to do something with all the fish that we caught so we ended up throwing them out in the woods which Clementine freaked out that a bear would come and kill Ben. SO, that gave us an idea, in the middle of the night we acted like bears and Clementine freaked out and threw the camp instructor aka our teacher at school out of the tent and made him be a human sacrifice. We didn't see why she so scared since she was already a zombie BUT we got laughs out of that. But in the end we had a great time and everyone says hey. That's all for now!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Sorry I haven't been posting in forever it's just that I haven't been able to get on the computer I've had to do to much. Okay so the reason that I'm posting is because Clementine, Ben, Kaitlyn, and I along with some of the other people at our school are going on the big camping trip for like two weeks, it's because the school thought that even though it's the beginning of the school year we could still have some fun and learn. So we are going to hike, and spear fishing thing, and all sorts of fun stuff. So we're leaving in a week. I can't wait though! That's all I can type right now so that's all. Bye everyone!