Friday, January 29, 2010

At school right now

heheheheeh...I'm at school typing this and hopefully I don't get caught...BUT hey! It's Misaki here! As you already know, you don't have to read this post I just wanted to type something while at school so bye!
~Misaki, Ben, Clementine, Kaitlyn, Joshua....etc.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Misaki speaking

hey, I have to say that I'm sorry too everyone, I over reacted over all this. Paris- Kaitlyn, gladly, told me what you said...she even added the slap. It really snapped me out of it. So thank you. So much. It was just...when Ben turned into a zombie...I don't know, I guess I felt like it was my responsibility to keep him safe and I failed. So thank you, and I promise that I will stop being this depressed dead girl. One question Paris: Did you really have to add the slapping part? Cause everyones wanting to slap me now...but I will post again soon. No more sad Misaki. I promise. Wait, who posted "We find Misaki"? *Runs over to Kaitlyn*
Clementine-I'll just talk to the bloggers while your fighting...
Hey! It's Clementine, what's up? Yah! I don't have to type for Misaki! I get to say what I want! WHOA!!!! Okay....well this sucks, I have nothing to say....SO....I'm just going to press the "Publish post" button and hope that Misaki had nothing else to say...Bye!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

We find Misaki

Misaki went missing, for a while she was gone. About three days, we found her though. In the woods, leaned up against a tree. Freezing cold, like how we found her when she had died, except it wasn't as cold. Joshua found her, it took him forever to get her to actually come with him. She said she wanted to stay there longer, but he wouldn't let second....haha! Ben has spoken once again!....sorry I just ruined a serious moment....he said "" Which the sentence actually took him about ten minutes to say the first few words, he's getting better though. Wait one second...Misaki's coming...(She doesn't know I've been posting on the blog for her...I've had to become a ninja at this)...okay, she's gone. She going to Joshua's. I have to go though, but I'm gonna try to get Misaki to post very very very soon. So hopefully I succeed, Clementine says hey. *Gets pushed out of the way of the computer by Clementine*:
Hey everyone! Things are going great around here....okay so I just lied, BUT things are going to get better. And I have to go because my Benny-poo *Insert Kaitlyn's disgusted face here* is waiting on me, so BYE!

Clementine is very cheery for a girl who's boyfriend just turned into a zombie and who's best friend is turning into this depressed girl.....
but, so bye and again I will try to get Misaki to post when she will...

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Not Ben.

Not Ben. Why him? Why? WHY? Ben....he's a zombie, he died. Died. Dead. I'm...I'm still kind of in shock and we had to get Kaitlyn to type this due to the fact that she was the only willing too. So Kaitlyn is going to talk to you, while we help Ben:
Hey guys, I've never really talked to you on a blog or anything, maybe saying hi or posting for Misaki, or a few things. But I'm gonna tell you what happened. So, Ben was driving to school, all of us in the car and laughing and joking around. Ben, he didn't see the other car coming. It was in the wrong lane, going the wrong way. Going really fast. And it hit us. All I saw was....was Ben being slung around in his seat. And blood, there was a lot of blood. Than it just stopped. Misaki screamed Ben's name and shook him. She had been in the passengers seat. She kept screaming his name and trying to get him to wake up, but he wouldn't. Than he did, his eyes went open, but they were dead and lifeless. Clementine opened her door and fell to the ground. She knew what had happened. The person that had hit us, was drunk. I called the ambulance, but I knew that wouldn't help. When they got there, they saw us all, and just about left all together. They didn't want to help us. But the stupid, drunk guy was beat up and had to be helped. We were able to get Ben taken care of, but he hasn't moved much. We try to get him to talk, try to help but nothing works. Clementine is really upset and Misaki, she hasn't really talked much. You would think that Clementine would be more upset, but Misaki and Ben have been best friends since they were born. And Misaki always told Ben, after she had died, that if she ever saw him die and turn into a zombie, that she wouldn't be able to live with herself. She always told him that the best way out of things, isn't death, and that he should never die, no matter what.We tell her it wasn't his fault he died, but she wont listen. Misaki just left the room. She can't stay in one place anymore, Joshua, he keeps trying to help her. Try to talk to her, but she wont listen to him either. Clementine is doing the total opposite of Misaki, she wont quit talking about it, and she wont leave Ben. Ben has only been able to say two words and it's "I'm sorry" and than he wont speak anymore. It's been a few days. We aren't expecting him to actually be able to do much for a while. But it's pretty bad around here. We really hope that everything gets better, that Ben starts to respond to things better move around and stuff, that Misaki will get better, and that Clementine wont be so upset. I was never one to care about Ben to much, but seeing him like this, knowing what he's going through, I know how that feels and I feel so sorry for him. I'm gonna go try to get him to speak. I'll try to post as much as possible. And get Clementine to post too. Bye.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

OMG A Harry Potter blog

Okay, so one of these peoplez that I know, she is starting a blog. Her name Is Mckenzi and the name of the blog is "The Ultimate Harry Potter Blog" and the URL is:
Okay, so you don't have to go to this blog if you don't like Harry Potter and stuff. It was made for humongo geeky Harry Potter offense to you, Mckenzi...but she wanted some followers and I just thought that I would help her out with that and all. So if you like Harry Potter and all that stuffz you can go to the website. Um...not really sure what else to say but she's not a zombie or anything she's a regular wizard which isn't that out of the ordinary for our group seeing as how most of us are either zombies, werewolves, vampires, demons and so forth. Not really sure what else to say so everyone says Hey and bye!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I kissed a boy and I Liked it!!!!!

Yep, the title says it all. In a post from a LONG time ago I told you I had a boyfriend, the guy I had a crush on....well after he just about tried to kill all my friends and I, there was no more relationship between us. So, I started hanging around this guy named Joshua...he is sweet, handsome, kind, amazing and a zombie. So we started hanging out a few days ago and than tonight we got together to hang out. So this is what happened:

*me is sitting on his bed, leaning up against the head board. Joshua next to me telling random jokes, trying to see if there is one I've never heard*
Joshua- What about the one about the cannibal king and the three guys?
Misaki- The one where the three have to pick a certain fruit and stuff? Heard it.
Joshua- Your a human joke box, you know that?
Misaki-Thank you! *Insert smile*
Joshua-You have a really pretty smile too.
Misaki-Do you mean that or are you just saying that so I'll date you?
Joshua-I mean it.
Misaki- That's good cause-*cut off by kiss*
Joshua-will you go out with me?

I left the room and when I saw Clementine and Kaitlyn I screamed my head off and tried to jump up and down....but than I looked like a total spaz and people were wanting to call the I finally calmed down to tell them. And so now I have an AMAZING boyfriend who I love to death....or is it life?

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Oh the joy of fights between my friends

SO! After seeing a really amazing movie, that Ben hated, we all came home. BUT Ben wanted to make sure that everyone knew that he thought the movie (we saw the movie "The Lovely Bones" awesome movie!) was boring. So this is what happened

Ben-That movie was the dumbest most boring thing I've ever seen!!!!
Kaitlyn-will you shut up?
Clementine-Don't be mean to my boyfriend!
*Everyone yelling at each other*
Misaki-Ben put the remote down! Clementine quit pulling Kaitlyn's hair! Kaitlyn quit trying to attack Ben!
*gets hit in head with remote. *
Misaki-OW! Geez, Ben you have terrible aim!
Ben-sorry, Misaki. Oh my gosh get Kaitlyn off of me!
*Clementine grabs Kaitlyn and pushes her into the dresser*
Misaki-Hey! Don't break anything!
Clementine-say your sorry!
Kaitlyn-thanks but no thanks!
Misaki-everyone stop!
*Ben drops phone he was about to chunk at Kaitlyn (which would have probably hit me again)*
*Clementine steps away from Kaitlyn and Kaitlyn gets up stiffly.*
Misaki-stop fighting it was just a movie!
Ben (mumbling)- a stupid movie
Kaitlyn-shut up about it!
*clementine shoves Kaitlyn to the ground where she lies there unable to get up*
Misaki-Clementine! That was mean help her up!
*Clementine grumbles and helps up Kaitlyn*
Misaki-geez, for you two to be zombies y'all can fight. But Kaitlyn leave and come back when your in a better mood. Ben quit talking about the movie. And Clementine be nice.
Ben-You remind me of my mom
Misaki-who else would be mature enough to stop you?

Our fights are either nothing at all or everything. I bet if it had gone on though it probably would have ended with Ben being a zombie too. Thought you might want to hear about this little incident.
Ben-It was still a really bad movie.
Misaki- BEN!

What an exciting day....

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Amazing saying

Ben, who is the strangest of all my friends, is usually really crazy and out there but something really strange happened. Okay, so one of the zombies, Carolynne, she was getting really sad and said her life was getting worse everyday and how she just wanted to die for good. This was Ben's amazing words "Life is the scariest, most unpredictable ride you will ever be on. You got the chance to ride it again and yet your trying to close your eyes the whole time. If you would just open your eyes you will realize that you can't change how the ride goes but you can still have fun while it lasts." So by than my jaw had hit the floor and Kaitlyn was bug-eyed. Clementine was in shock. Because no one knew Ben could actually be serious, or so something so amazing. He even said that Ivy went silent for about ten minutes. Those were some amazing words and I'm gonna cherish them forever.

(Also, Clementine wanted to know if I had ever told you about how I was dyslexic. Yes, I am. That always seems to be a shock to people when they realize that. I get one of my friends to type my blog and read things for me (I (Kaitlyn) am typing this at the moment HEY!!!!) so yeah, I just thought you might want too know....)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Story time!!!!

I was sitting around doing absolutely nothing and so I thought "Posting time!" but at first I didn't know what to post about so I'm gonna tell you about how I don't have to read this post I just thought you may want to hear it. But here goes:

It was a year and a half ago (almost two years) when I died. My parents kept fighting and I was in a really bad situation with all my friends. And my sister, Lalu, was trying to stop my parents from fighting. (Lalu cut herself too (I had a really bad disfunctonal family...))But than they were getting mad at her so I cut in trying to stop. My dad yelled at me telling me to shut up and said some other things that I will never repeat. Lalu started crying and ran into her room and I got angry and ran into mine. I had grabbed my jacket and got out of the house from the window in my room. I wanted to get a way from everyone forever. I just felt like falling over dead and I really didn't realize that was going to actually happen. It was late at night and the tempature was dropping. I went into a small patch of woods, being my stupid self and thinking that was a good idea, but than I got lost because the woods was much larger than I had realized. I was starting to get really cold than, I was losing feeling in my body. I was trying to find my way for about an hour until I couldn't take the cold anymore. I huddled up next to a tree and sat there crying. I was lost and I knew I was about too die. I gave up quickly and I lost the fight without even trying. I woke up, my body was frozen and I couldn't move. People were calling my name and when they found me they thought I had died with my eyes open. But than I moved a little and they realized I was a zombie. Long story short: when my parents found out they took Lalu and left and Clementine took me in. She helped me until I could move around more easily. I was the first zombie at my school, Clementine was the next, and so on.

So that's my story....I haven't ever told anyone it before. If people asked I would just walked away.....but that's my story. Lalu didn't want to leave me and my parents wont let her talk to me or anything. That's my past though.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Update on my old town

My old prinicpal, Mrs. Walsh, updated us on the town that we were kicked out of. Here's the message:

Hello fellow friends,
I hope you are all doing well, the school is doing great. Peace and order has come, but it's lonely without all of you to cheer up my day. I wish that I could come visit you but I am very busy trying to keep up with everything around here. It may take a day or so but I have sent a package, I hope that the gift inside cheers you up. I know this message is quite short but I must go. I will email you again shortly updating you on the town adn school.
Janna Walsh

That's the message. The principal cared about us a lot more than the other teachers and faculty. We got the package and what we found was a video. We watched it over and smiled, it was a video of all the zombies during the regular charity drives. And tons when everything was peaceful, and we actually had a few non-zombie friends. Ben got teary-eyed :P Anways, All the teachers...other than the science teacher...are very nice too us. Ivy, Ben, and the rest of the gang says hi.
Yo, what's up? *nudges Ben* sorry about that, Ben wanted to type something. That's all for now. Bye!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

I. hate. SCIENCE!!!!

I'm so sick and tired of science! Yep, I got a story to tell. So I was at the new school and I was in science, chemical science to be exact. And the teacher was going on with this huge rant about how science goes along with everything. So I have a question and raise my hand.
"If science can explain everything than why hasn't it explained why people have been coming back from the dead?" She stares at me stunned for a second than goes back onto the rant. So of course I say something.
"I asked you a question, m'am." I wanted to be polite but this is her reply.
"I don't have the answer. Science explains everything except that. Because that isn't natural, you can't just walk out of a grave." So I get mad and I get up, grab my stuff, and leave. No one could have stopped me (cause everyone is afraid of zombies at this school....heheheheh) so now I'm about to rant, you can skip this and comment about the story if you want. Okay, I hate science, duh, because it tries to explain everything, well you know what? I don't want things to be explained! I want to be able to walk outside in a lightning storm and say "That's Zeus!" And I want to see electricity and think "It's magic!" I'm tired of everything having to have a scienctific reason! I mean I grew up with my ex-parents telling me that rainbows is happiness sprung together to make a whole bunch of colors that are really pretty. I don't want a scientific reason I want a reason that I can actually be happy about knowing. I mean I'm sick of science because everyone thinks that there isn't anything amazing in this world. Because of course they can't have anything that can't be explained by science. Okay so I'm done ranting....for now. sorry if I sound really mean I just got really angry. But don't let me bring your day down!!!!